
find the right houseplants for you
houseplant is an app that helps people find and locally purchase plants for their lifestyle by utilizing machine learning to provide a personalized selection of houseplants. This client-led project was created in a 1.5-week design sprint.

DISCLAIMER: Most plants in the prototype are for aesthetic purposes only – they are irrelevant to the actual onboarding results.
UX/UI Designer, UX Researcher, Information Architect

Figma, Procreate, Zoom

Design Sprint
(11 days)
Key Proto-Persona, Journey Map, Empathy Map, User Flow Chart, Sketches, Paper Prototype, Wireframe, Medium Fidelity Prototype

Target Audience:
Gen Z (18+) and Millennials with some disposable income
The Problem
Houseplants are attractive and can make a home feel cozier; however, a lot of people pick houseplants solely based on their aesthetic without doing much research to see if the plant is a good fit for them. Most people tend to neglect their plants' needs, overwater, or even forget to check if they're toxic to their pets.
The Solution
houseplant (app) nearly eliminates the need for outside independent research when looking for new plants that fit one’s lifestyle. As part of the onboarding process, people can take a quick, customizable quiz, to personalize their results. Afterward, they can view details of whichever plants they choose and locally purchase them through the app.
My client, a millennial passionate about plants and interior decor, was looking for a way to help people find an easy and fun approach to discovering houseplants tailored to them. The tools currently available mostly rely on independent research and blog posts; however, searching online to see if a plant might be toxic for pets or require more attention and light than one might be able to provide can quickly become exhausting. He wanted to keep small local businesses in mind and help new (future) plant enthusiasts start off on the right foot. After all, having many new plants die fast without fully understanding why can feel defeating. To stay focused on the main goal, we agreed to keep the project limited to one user flow.

I wanted to learn more about what my client was looking for, so we ran through a few “how might we” questions together and prioritized the ones we wanted to keep in mind for the design sprint.
Competitive Analysis

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I sketched out a storyboard to illustrate to my client how and why my design solution would benefit the  users. The storyboard shows how quick and easy it is for George to find and purchase houseplants through a personalized selection without having to leave the app or his apartment.
User Stories
Since my client and I agreed to focus on one user flow for the project, we decided to group our stories into an onboarding process:

“George wants to quickly and easily find the right houseplants for his apartment.”
User Flow
For George’s user story, I wrote out a user flow that would take a first-time user through an engaging onboarding process. The user is prompted to share their location so the onboarding results can immediately provide them with local businesses where they can purchase their plants.
I started by sketching a wireframe, drafting out how the design solution might look. Inspired by some existing UI patterns, I created a solution for an onboarding process where users won’t drop off. My solution was to personalize the process and provide immediate results. I did this through gamification (personalized quizzes) and cards (recommended plants page - not pictured in sketches) that presented information in a simple and familiar layout.
Usability Testing
In order to test my design solution, I put together a few screener questions in Google Forms and contacted at least five respondents to test. Each participant was given the same task to complete while I collected qualitative and quantitative feedback through their body language or facial expressions (behavioral observations) and any verbal feedback received.
Overall, the design solution was successful; albeit with some very useful feedback from a few participants that would improve the onboarding process (iterations based on user testing feedback are present in the prototype links provided). Participants from the interviews enjoyed the personalized quizzes and the overall interface of the app.
“Use the app to find the right houseplant for you and then add it to your wishlist.”
Next Steps
I intend to run another design sprint for an Augmented Reality feature that would help users virtually “try out” plants they select in their homes, offices, etc. This will allow users to see how the plants fit with their existing decor and furniture, while also giving them an idea of how much space the plant might need before they decide to make the purchase.

I also want to make the purchasing experience more defined - quantity, size, etc.
An iPhone mockup of houseplant app's medium fidelity prototype.
medium-fidelity prototype
(tested in the user interviews)
An iPhone mockup of houseplant app's high fidelity prototype.
high-fideilty prototype

(iterations & branding)
I made people smile, engaged them, and held their interest as they navigated their way through the onboarding process

I improved my UI design skills by applying my understanding of branding, remixing UI patterns, and creating a fun and unified design solution

I utilized the use of overlays in Figma and challenged myself to find new design solutions to resolve any road bumps I encountered while working to make my app's design more intuitive and familiar for the users

I learned to design with intent for iterations - not everyone will agree with my design choices

I discovered that utilizing short quizzes in an onboarding process proved to be a positive solution for people who want to discover new interests

I developed a first-hand understanding of how design sprints initiated the completion of a project by creating multiple, quick iterations, and design solutions for new and existing projects

Illustrations & Icons:

Splash & Icons:

Nima Wheeler (splash illustration and quiz card icons)